Thursday, March 12, 2009


Recently Sammy shared a secret with me. SShhhh, don't tell his sister. He really likes baby Addie, his daycare Nana's granddaughter, much better than Abby. But please don't tell her because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings.  

Poor Me....I'm continually working on thickening my skin.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Tonight before Abby's bath, I was beyond bored so I flipped through TV channels. I was happy when I found Wilco on Austin City Limits. The kids were equally bored so they were thrilled to have music to dance to. Abby has a little lopsided gallop dance she does. She goes in circles and claps her hands. It is her standard "dance." Sammy, on the other hand, has lots of excess energy and very unique dance moves. So as he runs, hops and hollers around the living room rug, I comment:

Me: You are a piece of work Sammy.
Sam: What?
Me: You are a piece of work.
Sam: No, Mommy, I'm a piece of art. I'm a piece of art.
Me: Speechless and Smiling BIG.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa Visit

Growing up, we never did the Santa-in-the-mall pics. It just wasn't part of our repertoire. So, naturally (for me) we have not made Santa pics a regular part of our holiday. Today I decided to try. I even warned Sammy that if the line was too long, we would have to leave. (Is that bad?) There was ABSOLUTELY no way I would even attempt to brave a REAL mall three days before Christmas so we went to Country Club Mall. The main stores are Macys and Gottschalks and there is not a whole lot in between. It is a tiny, unexciting mall that happens to be very close to home. We got a great parking spot, walked right up to Santa, had a little chat, took our pics (Abby was even fairly agreeable), printed and bought the pics and were completely finished in about 7 minutes! I'm not exaggerating -- I was amazed! The pics are even pretty cute!

Success! Quite honestly, not what I expected. 

First Haircut

On Friday, Abby got her first haircut! It wasn't quite the occasion it usually is, but her hair looks cute! Here's the story:

She is a finger sucker and as she sucks those little delights, she pulls her hair. Not a gentle little twirl, no, our girl rips her hair right out of her pretty little head. So she was growing long blonde curls on the right side of her head and a little bald on the left. She had that lopsided 80's look. It was getting really bad. I felt like I should start dyeing it blue and giving her dangly earrings. 
One of the wonderful daycare moms is a stylist and she fixed Abby's hair for us (for free). Thanks Kim! It is still way thinner on the left, but it is far less noticeable now. No more comb-over attempts! Yay!! It looks like a little curly wedge cut to me. I love it! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Normal is sometimes good

So Sammy's blood work all came back normal which is very good news except now the illness is still a mystery. It is not cyclical neutropenia which I suspected it was.  We will keep reporting symptoms to the doctor and see what develops. The next big step would be to see an infectious disease specialist. We'll wait for now...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sammy is sick....again.

My poor boy gets sick soooo much. He is like clockwork. Every 4 - 6 weeks, his fever starts and stays with him for 3 days. It usually spikes to nearly 104. His current doctor is the first who suspects that it may actually be something other than "viruses." Really? Does it take a doctor to figure that out? I think it is neutropenia, but that is unconfirmed until I take him in for a blood draw while he is running the fever. Last time he got sick, he was so miserable, I just couldn't bring myself to take him to have them poke him with a needle...poor boy. Especially when the poke will NOT lead to him feeling better. 

Anyway, we were supposed to go get pics with Santa tomorrow. I don't think that will be happening now. It looks like I'm in for a day of TV and lounging on the couch (Sam lounging, not me). He'll play a little bit when the Motrin kicks in, but the rest of the time, he'll be down. Poor boy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sammy Stories, Volume 2 -- Backseat Driver

Sammy has always been a backseat driver. Since he was 2, he was telling me things like that I turned the wrong way.

One morning when Sam was in his early threes, we were driving down Whitney on our way to Nana's and this was our exchange:
"Mommy, you are driving too fast."
"No, Sammy, I'm not. Does it feel like I am going fast?"
"Yes, Mommy, you are going too fast."
"Sammy, I'm really not."
"Yes, you are."
"Sam, I really wish you wouldn't argue with everything I say."
"Well, I really wish you wouldn't drive too fast!"
I can't wait for the teenage years!

As Gramma parked the car, she accidentally pulled the tires up onto the sidewalk a little (which Sammy always has believed should be punishable by law) so Sammy bent down to check it out. He looked up and said, "Grandma, you need some gas in your tires."