Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our pride and joy -- well, one of them!

Friday, October 24, 2008

I don't really drive fast.

This morning on the way to Nana's, Sammy asked me if I was driving the speed lemon. When I said, "What?!" He repeated it, the same way. I said that I was indeed within the speed lemon. I guess he thought I was driving too fast. I wasn't.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Shower good, shower bad?

Sammy never welcomes bath time anymore. He used to LOVE it. He now wavers between baths and showers, although we encourage showers because they are much easier! Anyway, tonight is bath night, and we were finally able to get him in the shower AND have him wash his hair and body with soap. The problem is that now we cannot get him out. He stays in there and plays for a LONG time. Sometimes he plays Tiger or what looks like a soap bubble factory. After a smallish argument with Daddy, he finally got out after 30 minutes or so...and he is NOT happy. He is getting over it quickly tonight though because his Hot Wheels jammies are freshly washed and ready to wear! Good night Sam!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Top Ten Annoying Things for Today.

1. Sarah Palin (Tina Fey for Pres!)

2. Tapping of Pencils on Desks
3. Sibling Rivalry
4. Cold Early Mornings
5. People Driving too Fast
6. Leaves on the Walkway
7. Fundraisers
8. Milk
9. Getting Up in the Dark
10. Whining

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Actual Day

On the morning of Sammy's actual birthday, October 7, I asked him if I could take pictures of a real five year old and he agreed. Abby climbed up on his bed to pose with him. They do look a lot alike!

He and Abby went to their Nana's where he had a fabulous day with a party with cake, friends, and lots of gifts! Nana always does a wonderful job of making all the children's birthdays special. When I picked them up from Nana's, we went to soccer practice so Sam could tell his coaches he was five now. 

On the way home from practice, I told Sammy he could choose whatever he wanted for dinner. He chose....Jimboys, of course. Taco Bell used to be his favorite, until he discovered Jimboy's bean burritos! Yum. We have pics to prove it! Apparently Mom is not the Cook of the Year this year. Maybe next year. 

So Sam is officially five now. I'm feeling old. Sammy is feeling awfully proud. He is sure that he is taller, older, and just a little bit better than he was before. I guess I have to agree. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sam LOVED his awesome birthday party. He wanted a bounce house and pizza. Grandma and Grandpa let us celebrate at their house, and the kids had a blast. My favorite moment was when I heard Sam shout from within the bounce house, "Hey guys, I'm five, I'm almost six!" 

Poor boy was really confused by his three bday celebrations. He really thought that each celebration constituted another birthday. By golly my boy went from 4 to 7 in 4 days! He now checks each morning, "Mommy, am I really five today?" 
I cannot believe it has been five years. I still remember the wavering emotions when I discovered I was preggo. And Shannon telling the staff that I was knocked up. (: Time flies. 
I clearly remember my first day back to work after maternity leave. I showed with a nice big blob of spit up on my shoulder that Mr. Spence kindly pointed out. I was actually so tired that I didn't really care. And then the super fun lunch periods sitting in front of the corner bookcase with the lights off and curtains drawn, while the pump did its thing.  Aww, the memories. 

Thanks, Shannon!

Shannon tagged me, so here goes...

1. Write 6 random things about yourself
2. Tag 6 people at the end of your post

1. I am a vegetarian (most of the time). I didn't eat ANY meat for about 18 years, and then since the birth of my second child I have eaten a little fish and chicken. Veins and blood still completely gross me out and I will NOT touch raw chicken.

2. I love Starbucks. Grande soy mocha. yum. They know my name and my order by heart.

3. I like to garden. I love the feeling of harvesting food or cutting flowers that I have grown myself.

4. I love sleeping. Does that make me lazy? Maybe a little bit.

5. My favorite TV show is What Not to Wear. Clinton and Stacy rule.

6. I love Malibu and Diet Coke.

7. Camping is one of my very favorite things. I love it. I need a tent and a stove, but definitely NO showers!

8. Random people I admire: Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Shel Silverstein, Maurice Sendak, and Lynn Hinkle.

I don't really have anyone to tag at this time because my friends are not bloggers. Maybe later...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blah, blah, blah...

So Sam has been in preschool for just about one month. He goes three days a week.  I love to ask him about what he has done, his favorite parts, etc. Last week we worked on this cool homework poster that was "All About Me," for preschool on Friday. So when I picked him up, I was anxious to hear about school and the sharing of his poster. When I asked him, his response was, "Here we go again, blah, blah, blah. Everyone keeps asking me about it over and over again." So sorry Sam! He has still not told me whether he shared it, he just keeps telling me that he is not sure what they did with the posters.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First Official Blog!

Upon the arrival of Sam's FIFTH birthday, I am creating my first blog! I need to back-blog to make up for lost time, but that will never happen. So here goes: Sammy will be five in six days. He loves things with wheels that go fast - almost any variety. He can name about half the cars on the road and usually won't stop identifying vehicles the entire time we are in the car. (The Trooper that is). He still misses our black PT Cruiser rental. Abby is adorable and sweet, but has a stubborn streak the size of Texas. And I have a very difficult time saying no to her devious and darling smile. 

I have a fabulous new class of third graders this year. I am very excited about our new Promethean boards that are supposed to be installed next week...
Frank is working on his 1965 Chevy Van. Nothing seems to make him happier, except for us (right, Frank?).