Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Sam LOVED his awesome birthday party. He wanted a bounce house and pizza. Grandma and Grandpa let us celebrate at their house, and the kids had a blast. My favorite moment was when I heard Sam shout from within the bounce house, "Hey guys, I'm five, I'm almost six!" 

Poor boy was really confused by his three bday celebrations. He really thought that each celebration constituted another birthday. By golly my boy went from 4 to 7 in 4 days! He now checks each morning, "Mommy, am I really five today?" 
I cannot believe it has been five years. I still remember the wavering emotions when I discovered I was preggo. And Shannon telling the staff that I was knocked up. (: Time flies. 
I clearly remember my first day back to work after maternity leave. I showed with a nice big blob of spit up on my shoulder that Mr. Spence kindly pointed out. I was actually so tired that I didn't really care. And then the super fun lunch periods sitting in front of the corner bookcase with the lights off and curtains drawn, while the pump did its thing.  Aww, the memories. 


SHANNON said...

I can't believe he's five either! I remember making you show me your naked belly "up to here" all the time....and asking for all of the weird preggo things that happen to your body....and touching your rock-hard/lactating boobs in the office before realizing we were surrounded by everyone! Ah, memories!

As for the "following blog," I have no idea. I'm not very computer-literate. You should just be impressed that I have a blog. Maybe it's because I have it set to private. You know, I'm freaked somewhere will find me and steal my kids. That's why my location is the Wild, Wild West and not my hometown.