Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Actual Day

On the morning of Sammy's actual birthday, October 7, I asked him if I could take pictures of a real five year old and he agreed. Abby climbed up on his bed to pose with him. They do look a lot alike!

He and Abby went to their Nana's where he had a fabulous day with a party with cake, friends, and lots of gifts! Nana always does a wonderful job of making all the children's birthdays special. When I picked them up from Nana's, we went to soccer practice so Sam could tell his coaches he was five now. 

On the way home from practice, I told Sammy he could choose whatever he wanted for dinner. He chose....Jimboys, of course. Taco Bell used to be his favorite, until he discovered Jimboy's bean burritos! Yum. We have pics to prove it! Apparently Mom is not the Cook of the Year this year. Maybe next year. 

So Sam is officially five now. I'm feeling old. Sammy is feeling awfully proud. He is sure that he is taller, older, and just a little bit better than he was before. I guess I have to agree. 


SHANNON said...

Oh, I miss Jimboy's....beef tacos and taquitos with extra guacamole....good stuff!